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Highlighted resolutions approved at ARA 2022 

May 31, 2022


Resolutions arising from the six-year review of policy

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that policy be amended to read—
“An inclusive school has an approach to professional development that
1. encourages teachers to engage in reflective practice and research;
2. helps teachers be responsive to the diversity of students in their classrooms;
3. emphasizes how social class and power relationships can breed sexism, racism and other forms of marginalization; and
4. includes opportunities for teachers to work collaboratively with other teachers and professionals.”

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that policy be amended to read—
“The Government of Alberta, with input from educational partners, including Alberta teachers, should take the lead in creating a central resource library that is both accessible and free to support students with exceptional learning needs.”

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that policy be amended by substitution to read—
“The Government of Alberta and school authorities should require teachers to develop only a single document where individualized plans are mandated to meet a student’s needs.”

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that policy be amended to read—
“The Government of Alberta should review its funding framework and eligibility criteria to ensure that services are available to support all students with exceptional learning needs.”

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that policy be amended to read—
“The Government of Alberta should ensure that funding for students with exceptional learning needs follows those students if and when they change schools, programs or public school authorities.”

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that policy be amended to read—
“School authorities should develop policies and procedures that permit students to change all gender-identifying elements of their official records.”

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that policy be amended to read—
“School authorities should protect every student from the unwanted disclosure of their sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.”

Local resolutions

Calgary Public Teachers
Be it resolved that policy be amended to read—
“School authorities should be required to compensate full-time, part-time and substitute teachers who have been injured as a result of their work duties for lost salary; legal costs; and medical, vision care and dental expenses not covered by the teacher’s benefit plan.”

Edmonton Public Teachers
Be it resolved that the Association urge the Government of Alberta to include a minimum of three credits in Indigenous studies as part of the high school diploma credits and credentials requirements, in addition to infusing Indigenous culture, perspectives and knowledge into all K–12 curriculum.
(Referred for study and report)

Edmonton Public Teachers
Be it resolved that convention associations make their constitutions and policy and procedure handbooks available to members on their websites.

Edmonton Public Teachers
Be it resolved that policy be amended to read—
“Collective agreements negotiated by the Association should specify that substitute teachers are to be assigned only the instructional and scheduled supervisory duties, except for supervision scheduled to occur before the first instructional block, of the teacher they are substituting for, unless they are being brought in to provide coverage for a teacher who does not have an instructional load or for a specific purpose, such as release time for teachers (in-school needs).”

Parkland Teachers’
Be it resolved that the Association urge school authorities to prioritize reducing teacher workload tasks when implementing wellness strategies.

Parkland Teachers’
Be it resolved that the Association advocate for improved communication between service providers (educational bodies, government departments, police services and contracted service providers) to improve outcomes for students and their families.

Edmonton Catholic Teachers
Be it resolved that the Association urge the Government of Alberta to amend section 3(1)(a) of the Education Act to extend right of access for students from younger than 19 years of age to younger than 21 years of age and provide full funding for students who are guaranteed right of access.

Edmonton Catholic Teachers
Be it resolved that the Government of Alberta authorize the Association to provide the instruction required for teachers to acquire Alberta leadership certification.

Edmonton Catholic Teachers
Be it resolved that policy be amended to read—
“The Government of Alberta should fully fund mental health support services for students in schools, including timely, on-site access to accredited mental health professionals, based on the number of students and the needs of the school.”

Provincial Executive Council resolutions

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that policy be amended to read—
“When a substitute teacher is required to spend a school day on Association business, the Association pays for their time at the highest daily rate for substitute teachers within the province.”

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that the Government of Alberta resume the practice of collecting and sharing data on teacher workforce trends, including projections for demand and the identification of subject-area gaps.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that the Government of Alberta meaningfully consult with the Association on any review, amendment or redevelopment of the professional practice standards.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that policy be amended to read—
“The Government of Alberta, in collaboration with Indigenous communities and education partners, should develop and maintain a collection of teaching and learning resources, including curricula developed locally, that teachers can draw upon to teach the curriculum at all grades and that accurately reflects the knowledge and perspectives of Indigenous Peoples.”

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that policy be amended to read—
“The Association displays the Canadian flag, Alberta flag, Treaty flag and Métis flag at Barnett House and the Southern Alberta Regional Office.”

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that policy be amended to read—
“Institutions should incorporate into their teacher preparation programs information about (1) teaching protocols as a way to understand how to approach Indigenous Elders and Knowledge Keepers; (2) opportunities for land-based learning, ceremony and/or celebration; (3) the building of relationships with local Indigenous peoples and communities to learn from Indigenous Elders and Knowledge Keepers; (4) the historical and contemporary contributions of Indigenous peoples; and (5) the inherent rights of Indigenous peoples as enshrined in the Canadian Constitution, established in court decisions and outlined in the Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada.”

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that policy be amended to read—
“School authorities should incorporate into their inservice opportunities for teachers information about (1) teaching protocols as a way to understand how to approach Indigenous Elders and Knowledge Keepers; (2) opportunities for land-based learning, ceremony and/or celebration; (3) the building of relationships with local Indigenous Peoples and communities to learn from Indigenous Elders and Knowledge Keepers; (4) the historical and contemporary contributions of Indigenous Peoples; and (5) the inherent rights of Indigenous Peoples as enshrined in the Canadian Constitution, established in court decisions and outlined in the Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada.”

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that the Association urge the Government of Alberta to increase funding for self-identified First Nations, Métis and Inuit students to reduce barriers to learning, such as access to mental health, academic learning supports, reliable transportation, technology and assessments.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that the Association urge the Government of Alberta to establish the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation as part of Alberta’s employment standards as a general (statutory) holiday.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that the Government of Alberta fully fund additional staffing necessary to support all out-of-scope tasks required as a result of any provincial health emergency.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that school authorities provide staffing necessary to support all out-of-scope tasks required as a result of any provincial health emergency.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that school authorities develop a multitiered system of mental health supports that are adaptable and specific to each work site to meet the required needs of teachers, beyond the standard supports provided by benefit carriers.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that the Association provide funds to implement an Indigenous land-based learning series for members to support the development and application of First Nations, Métis and Inuit foundational knowledge and to host an annual event(s) to reaffirm the Association’s commitment to reconciliation as part of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation/National Indigenous History Month.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that the Association provide funds to enhance support for the development of French workshops, publications and other resources.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that the Association provide funds to support members (including members who work in central office and have a leadership certificate) in maintaining the currency of their teaching and leadership credentials.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that the Association provide funds to hire an additional graphic designer to deal with increased work volume and decrease the need to engage external designers.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that the Association denounce Bill 15, Education (Reforming Teacher Profession Discipline) Amendment Act, 2022.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolvedthat a report be prepared for consideration by the 2023 Annual Representative Assembly proposing strategies, policies, programs and potential electoral ballots in response to legislated changes in the Association’s regulatory role and responsibilities with respect to teacher professional conduct and professional practice that
a) transition the role and focus of the Association to vigorous representation of members who are subject to investigation and prosecution by the commissioner;
b) assist members, when appropriate, to lay complaints concerning the conduct and/or practice of nonmembers before the commissioner;
c) provide mediation and other resolution processes to assist in the resolution of conflicts between members outside of the commission process; and
d) facilitate transparency and accountability by monitoring and reporting on the performance of the commissioner’s professional regulatory functions.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that the Association urge the Government of Alberta to remove from legislation and regulation the capacity of the minister of education to arbitrarily disregard or alter the findings or penalties recommended by a committee established, in statute or regulation, to adjudicate matters relating to teachers’ professional conduct or practice.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that a report be prepared for consideration by the 2023 Annual Representative Assembly proposing strategies, policies, programs and potential electoral ballots that may enhance the capacity of the Association to organize nonunionized teachers and other education workers, coordinate action with other labour unions, enhance workplace representation of members and secure membership in provincial and national labour organizations.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that the Association reaffirm the importance of educational leaders, as teachers and colleagues, remaining as active members of the Association and commit to opposing, with all available means, any effort by government to remove them from the Association and the larger profession.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that the Association urge the Government of Alberta to delay any mandatory implementation of new curriculum or programs of study until a full-year pilot has been completed, revisions informed by the pilot have been made, comprehensive professional development has been provided to all affected teachers and appropriate learning resources have been made available to support implementation.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that the Association initiate a broadly based, outward-facing program of research, expert consultation, public dialogue and member outreach to examine the academic, social and emotional challenges facing students in the postpandemic period with the objective of identifying potential education policy responses to improve student well-being and success.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that the Association propose a collaboration with the Alberta School Employee Benefit Plan, other benefit providers and the Alberta School Boards Association to develop a program to enhance teacher wellness.

Assembly resolutions

Edmonton Public Teachers
Be it resolved that the Alberta Teachers’ Association develop and implement a comprehensive program to engage, mobilize and support Alberta Teachers’ Association members across the province in political advocacy leading up to all provincial elections, to be focused on promoting the profession’s proposals for priority changes needed in Alberta’s public education system.


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